Saturday, December 25, 2010

So, gave away land

tight month, combined with the fact I had to visit my dad's for the holiday, wich always means I end up spending more money than I want, and I logged on to a reminder I had 1 more day on my tier, basically, if I either hadn't gone to my dad's, or had 1 more week to go, I could of swung it, but the situation being what it was, all that previous stuff, plus the fact I haven't been on as much the past few months, working on some RL project (work on a tabletop miniatures game, I'm designing some of the minis and background), decided it's time to let the land go.  But rather than just sell it to someone likely to raise everything and plop another shop down where my lab and graveyard used to be, and ban anyone from even talking in character within 20 meters of it, (I hate that, and always get irritated by communities in SL where every single thing changes from day to day, makes it feel less like a working city and more like a fever nightmare of some public service worker with ADD), I'd give the land to whoever meets 2 criteria, A. they keep the graveyard in some form or another, other people seemed to enjoy it afterall, and B. they had to keep it RP friendly, as in allow people to freely RP there, and don't be like some in the past that have done mass bannings based on people daring to speak as their characters within earshot of tourists.

I went on Babbage group chat after letting Tenk know, had one want to see the land, and then of course procede to tell me she didn't pay attention to what I had said, and  really would rather tear it all down and build herself a mall there, next please.
Fortunatly a Mr. Cornelius Fanshaw stepped in and took it, I exploded my lab, (I have to have some IC reason the lab was gone afterall, I built the place for RP, can't just have it dissappear as so many buildings seem to like doing when teir is up) though I hadn't really made a huge plot as to why (still somewhat burned by how my dissappearance played out, it wasn't that is was ignored, it was that the actual clues were, and I basically had to hold Gizzy's hand to get her to end it, ah well) Basically, IC, the pengi left out a pallet of steamweaver bombs from one of their late night holiday celebrations of violence, booze, and explosives.
I also somehow managed to explode the Tardis control room for Dr. Dinosaur (my villian alt that hasn't done alot quite yet), on the one hand, I'd of have to have taken it down anyway, but by blowing it up my uual way (set everythin to physical, and unlink, while running explosion scripts)  leaves alot of loose prims.....all ver Babbage.   So, I was cleaning peices out of the canal, one of my walls managed to get inside town hall, etc.  but eventually had the plant, lab, and tardis all cleared up, leaving the graveyard.

I logged on the next day to see if there was anything else Fanshaw needed, to see all the prims that were part of my graveyard were returned. Fortunatly, it was because he expanded the cemetary, alot, and had many of the same items I did already, such as the wrought iron fence from Miss Tesla and all.

So far, I'm pretty happy with what he's done with the place, it's much more larger and impressive.

I'll probably get another lot sometime when things aren't as tight (as they usually are during the holidays anyway), since someone else now has a cemetary in Babbage, I might focus on a haunted hotel (with rentals) or finally bag an underwater location.

For now, I'll still logg on and any interesting RP try and get involved in, but just won't be on as often, and possibly will take the time to hang out in the other steamlands I like, like Steelhead and Armada.

And somehow, Blogger says it's still the 25th, so Happy Holidays folks, whatever one you follow.

Monday, December 13, 2010

RP fighting

So, I had built a large air arena, with the idea of (once I figured out wether I'd get more land or not) having combative matches, melee, gunfights, and once I could find a decent set up for it, old school boxing.
metered and non metered stuff.
  but Miss Netizen beat me to it, at least in part, with opening cuffs, mostly focused on hand to hand, or puglism, and apparantly either RP'd or metered.  So I'm probably going to hold off on my sky arena for now,  as it was pretty much to fill in the same purpose.  I might rework it as a shooting range, but usually when I leave out a zombie rezzer, people get to shoot, and there's been a couple gunfights off and on in my land apparantly (it's why I have damage on afterall, to encourage fighting)

One of the things I could never really understand, is the beleif that having some sort of combat, especially if it's metered, somehow will magically turn any sim into 'just another combat sim'
I guess in Babbage's case, it goes hand in hand with their wierd bi-polar relationship with RP (they're getting much better about it though).   but in general, I can say, I've been in and RP'd in many sims that do have meters and combat, and it's never really taken away from the RP, or shopping, if that's your preference.  If anything, meters for combat would even help, you get less arguing over who shot who, and wether they can have matrix like abilities to dodge every bullet (an RP awhile back got so bogged down by that argument, it just sucked), meters, there's no argument, you're down, you're down. it doesn't mean you're dead, most sims using meters don't do the perma-death unless it's consenual, IE: you're sick of that character, want to be someone else, usually, you lose at meter, you RP recovering a bit from an injury is all (or rp being a captive, as seems to be common in another genre of SL RP Gizzy's told me about).  Worried about shopaholics getting hit by stray bullets? don't be, metered weapons likely wouldn't effect them at all, and most sims that use them have a rule anyway, don't shoot in stores (much like common sense would say in RL)

Some of them even keep their meter's optional, Insilico uses DCS2 (they're currently working on their own, simpler and less laggy meter last I knew), and it's completely optional, most of the people there only put them on when they expect a big fight or battle.   Ravenscraig has their RPS meter (as much as I find flaws in it, t's nice that it also has non-combat skills), Legends of Cybertron, before the sim owner got bored with SL and left, used the terra combat meter.  and none of these sims really turned into combat sims, with the exception of Ravenscraig, cmbat actually just happens on occasion, with alot of non-combative RP going on inbetween.

So, far as I can see, the whole idea of 'but meter combat will turn any sim into a combat sim!' is false, it's like anything else, you put in guidelines, no shooting up the stores, in more RP focused sims, any combat needs a decent RP reason, no just walking up and hitting someone out of the blue, etc.  and it can actually be pretty good.