Sunday, October 20, 2013

back in SL, neglecting my blogs

So I've returned to Babbage and SL, actually have been back a month or so. As my RL situation has improved greatly, and I've even managed to get a decent desktop, one that unlike the laptops i've had for years, can run anything without overheating and shutting itself down on me. I've come back to New Babbage, and have rented land for a new part of Footman Industries, the Whewell Observatory (zombie lab is in the rotten house nearby). I was also supposed to kick off this years october RP (taking a break from zombies since they've become a little predictable, only so many variations of zombie outbreaks you can do every year) I started the first zombie outbreak years ago when I first rented in Babbage and built the electric eel power plant, Mayor Tenk approached me to ask about the possibility of my doing it due to the fact my character's pretty much a shambling corpse, I had help with the behind the scenes work with Elleon and Dr. Dayafter. I fully intended to do it every year, but then october became my busy month, between working haunted houses, and other rl haloween events. Victor1st Mornington took over. I was going to take it back last year, but at the time I was looking to move in RL from a bad living situation, and the house I did move to, it took over a month of fighting with the cable company to get someone over to isntall it when someone was actually home, as I now work weekdays during the times the cable company wants to send someone. So i'm not too sure what happened, if vic took it over again, or it flumped or what. But this year, tenk approached me again, victor was out for these, and everyone had gotten used to annual zombie infestations, so I worked out something different. and made an event for both the opening of my observatory, and to kick off events for it. And the cable for my street was cut..... Fotunatly one of the few people I know both sl and rl was on , I was able to text her and have her let everyone know I wasnt able to get on for it, and now I have to find another time, get this thing going, while working a full time job and my weekends largely in a haunted house. And I keep telling myself I do it because I love halloween

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