Monday, February 14, 2011

VD Month

happy VD to everyone who celebrates it, (I'm lucky as I usually manage to be single when it comes about, I figure looking at it optimistically is a good philosophy).

I've been taking the time that Grendel's been on vacation (checking out other sims) while in between working on projects in RL, to finally get my villianous alt, Doctor Dinosaur Runner, to embark on his dark evil career of evil darkness.  leaving doomsday devices around Babbage, and while everyone I've talked to has been helpful with allowing me to leave an obnoxiously ticking clock on their property, I have to admit, I'm realizing how much easier it is to get an RP plot going, when you actually have a place.  Doc D does have the Aeroraptor, (and his stolen Tardis, but the I've been trying to downplay the Tardis part more, before the timelords in Babbage try to shut him up before he can spill the beans, using it more for his 'secret' base and the airship his public one), but there's always been that element in Babbage of those that have land, and those who rent out a cheap spot. (not on purpose, but it does become apparant at times).

I'm planing in the next few weeks, to look into another lot to rent (tier is rent, you're not owning), and rebuild some sembalance of a Footman Idustries presence again.  I have a couple ideas, a larger building I've been working on that will have a study, parlor, storage, lab, and possibly a store to attempt to sell things inworld again.  Or, if there's one of the larger sky lots in Vernian, I have a new zepplin, with multiple rooms, parlor, lab space (with a dance floor apparantly) , bedroom (just sleeping scripts in the bed attached), and spare room I could possibly work out something with it, possibly mod it into something even larger (while trying to avoid the 'giant helium breasts look' poor Doc O had ended up with and quickly took back down before he did anything with it).   Depending when my taxes come in, and when I start back at my museum job, I may look into a couple, and have a few different locations in the city (all of course with encouraging RP in mind)

the only thing, is aside from a couple mods, the current building I have for the next Footman Industries, is a prefab.  When I first built the F.I. Electric Eel Power Plant, most of it was made entirely by me, the lab and living area was a prefab, wich I eventually burned down making the whole plant entirely built by me.  The thing is, I enjoy building, but am pretty much an ugly builder, despite my experience in CGI and game design, SL's building is somewhat counter to what I'm used to. I do have other non-SL projects that take my attention, and never really got into sculpties yet, so as a result, many of my builds, tend to have a blocky look.  Wich works well for some things, not for others (my first airship I lived in, when photographer's came to take pictures of the airship tower in palisades, they took careful effort not to have any of my airship in their pictures.).
The original F.I. plant, blocky worked, I wanted a large, blocky, industrial location.  the prefab I've found for the possible new location, has, with some tweaking, the large, industrial (slightly imposing) look I tend to want, so I went with it.
 the meshes they keep promising, if they ever deliver, might help with my building, as it sounds more like what I'm used to in using graphics programs (it took months for me to call prims anything other than polygons)

I'd like to say I've improved with building since arriving in SL, but have to say, I doubt I'd ever have the patience (or the prims) to build an impressive, highly detailed, mansion with roman columns and all that. I have an inventory filled with half finished projects intended to be more ambitious than a large monolithic block of a building that can attest to that, I often start them, then get distracted starting another project, or getting into RP, or just visiting with someone I hadn't seen in awhile

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