Wednesday, May 11, 2011

the Babbage Cycle

the usual routine in Babbage:

1. come up with a new idea, RP, or concept

2. make a thread on the website about it, or mention it in group chat

3. see comments devolve into "I don't like it, so noone should do it"

4. whatch 'I don't like..." cmments pile up, and either

4a. begrudging acceptance

4b. originator of idea shy's away from negative "I don't like" comments

5. rinse repeat

The thread on 'what do we do to get more people and keep them' is continuing, with the only the occasional snipes against RP now, and naturally, any new ideas presented, are quickly met by 'I don't like' comments
the bobbies idea, has been met by one so far declaring how 'he doesn't like it and would leave if that happened' (personally the idea sounds dumb for what they want it for, only plus I see is the immersion, but I'm not about to go declaring how I dislike something, so it should never be iplemented).  And then the discussion goes towards Facebook, to be met with "I don't like it.".
When someone in Babbage says 'I don't like it" they mean "I don't like it, so it should never be brought up again. "  with so much negative comments to pretty much any new idea for the sims, it's a wonder they get anywhere really.

Most the time, when the chorus of "I don't like it..." starts, then the idea is pretty much dead ended and won't go further (case in point, meters for RP fights, OOC tags for those not wanting to RP, magic based characters, wich still flops back and forth), there's been some rare times, when dispite "I don't like it" opposition, a new idea or concept manages to get through, the existence of Cuffs admidst all the cries of "I don't like combat" (I'm not too sure how often they get action there however, but still, the fact it's there and all).
Personally, as long as I have land in Babbage, and I'm not breaking the sim rules (no rule saying 'Don't do what they don't like" that I know of anyway), I've just given up bringing it up on the site, or asking opionions in chat, and just done it.  turning damage on in my factory, turning off flight, having had gunfights in the past, making an OOC tag in my RP group and setting it anytime I actually am OOC, possibly the fact I am almost always RPing, despite Babbage's frequent moods of 'I don't like RP".

I have had ideas and plans I really hadn't worked on though either, trying to make my warmechs metered to fight, using somethng similar to ICS, I'm not really a scripter, and when making the mistake of asking in group if anyone could point me to a good script to pull off what's essentially a wearable ironside, I got met wit snark, some people onl replying 'I'm allergic to combat'  not helpful.

I'm mostly speculating, but I suspect alot of the 'Don't like' crowd had had experience with a sim that did something similar to the idea they're against, and did it poorly.  maybe they logged into a sim just to shop, and got 20 rules NC's immediatly, maybe they made a mistake of going to a dedicated RP sim and ran afoul of the 'IC zone", maybe they went to a sim with an IC police force that wasn't controlled very well.  And so they retreat, and in their mind, because that one sim handeled the concept wrong, than the idea itself must be bad and so should stay out of the grey RP sim that is Babbage (yeah I went there).
I half expect if one of them had a bad experience with 7seas, that they'd flip out and declare 7seas as a sim killer and keep it out of Babbage.

There's alot of things I don't like, I don't like refering to everything, attachment, structure, vehicle, as a build, I don't like referring to the real me as 'my typist', I'm not a big fan of dances, though I go mostly to be social, and also support whoever's having the dance.  Not once have I ever responded to anyone using these terms or hosting a dance with "I don't like" in that way they do.

Heck, if I owned the whole Babbage sim, I'm pretty sure most of them would say "I don't like.." then leave after I told them "and I don't care."  the very fact I'd be more supportive of the RPers, and make it more a grey RP, steampunk version of Ravenscraig (wich I need to go back and check out sometime, it strikes me as one of the best run RP sims I've seen, I've just gotten out of pseudo-european fantasy lately, so haven't been active)

The facebook page, I've already liked, on my FB account, Grendel Marsh, and plan on being supportive, if the bobbies idea does get through, despite the fact I think it's sort of a waste to set them all up to be bumblers and tour guides, I'd support that as well. (of course there's nothing stopping anyone from making their own group, bow street runners or something, not nessicerily official or anything, but they try and solve crimes).
I'll also continue to be supportive of dances and balls, even though they're not my thing

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