Monday, May 9, 2011

one step forward, two steps back

just as I was starting to think people were relaxing a bit and accepting the fact that no, roleplay is not a 4 letter word, and a few of us actually enjoy it, we go back to RP being the doom of us all.
 after a couple comments on the babbage site, reguarding RP itself being what killed rivet town, rp is drama, noone likes drama, and someone else deciding an idea that didn't work in one sim, doesn't work in ANY sims and must be avoided, looks like it's back to square 1 on the anti-roleplay, ah well, Babbage's wierd bi-polar relationship with RP continues.

at least there was some aknowledgement that you can't rely on merchants to keep renting from you.

eitherway, for something completely different:
I've been toying around off and on with Opensim, no I'm not planning on leaving SL and NB anytime soon (at  least until they make it a rule 'you will not rp at all while in our sim', then i'll go), but it's more curiosity.
Opensim right now isn't much to look at, though the builds look a bit better than they did when I first looked at it a couple years ago, but it basically follows how SL's seemed to develop (busted search and viewer 2 aside) just somewhat behind by a year or two.  When I first came to SL, I tried it for a few months, then lost interest, the buildings were fugly, everything was clunky, and all i could find was malls, clubs, and sex shops.
gave it a break for a couple years, came back, and was more impressed with the platform of SL, and found some RP sims and communities (CoLA was my first, for all the lagg DCS caused).
So far open sim seems to be going the same way, albeit somewhat after SL.
I honestly think, SL had alot of potential, that's been primarily ignored, Opensim, being how it's not all run by 1 company, may manage to push the potential further, if SL ever falls.  it's sort of like the early days of the internet (I didn't get into computers and internet until the late '90's in high school, so I'm talking 1990's as the early days here) when it was mostly through something like USA data net, and everything was dial up, that's SL when it started, then wifi was developed, other services for internet, and now ou can get websites on your phone.  I could see Opensim being what develops a grid for general open use, virtual worlds 2.0, getting it on your phone, having a sim tied into a web page, even shopping (much as I hate in world sl shopping) turning into, you go to's sim, browse their store, order a book inworld, and either get it on your RL doorstep, or downloaded to your kindle.
As it is, I'm also looking into running an open sim off a USB stick, i've had an idea for one of the pocketwatch flash drives I make in rl, taking one, and basically filling it with a full 4 sim steampunk city, literally a world in a pocketwatch.  Considering you can save files from Opensim, builds, etc, wich SL will not let you do, uploading textures is free, where SL it charges 10L each, it does have a couple benifits.

On the SL front, I have a place in a new steam sim, Cala Mondrago, I haven't done alot there yet, but did open up Footman Imports (wich needs a sign I keep forgetting) with some of my items i maybe sell, and a temporary lab for 'studying djinn' .  no clue how long I'll keep it, half of it is more to support Cala Mondrago, as it's also been marketed as an RP friendly place, (while still following a grey style of RP similar to Babbage, they seem more supportive of RP and you get less of an impression they look down on it).  for now, I've talked to Gizzy about her possibly being the IC caretaker of it, since she's still kind of only semi back, and been saying she sort of wanted a change of pace, plus she was the model for the steamscorpion afterall, and looks good in harem girl wear.

Dr. D's 2nd attempt to actually be a villian went over slightly better than the doom clocks, mostly just reacted to by comments through the website, primarily Mournington turning up the power on his tardis and miss falcon in antarctica, no real in world reactions though, it was largely ignored in world until the ending, with the fires.
so I'd call it lukewarm rather than the cold level of the doom clocks
it's lead up to platform 11 now being fully operational, once i figure out what to have it do.
right now though, there's the RP with the snake going on, and dr O painting the town purple (unfortunatly connected with RFL, wich it's that time of year people are obsessed with it, hopefully it stays as low key as last year) so likely will hold off on having Dr. D do to much, though he's somehow aquired a desert drider companion.

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