Sunday, June 5, 2011

Another steampunk sim bites the dust

I had a small shop/lab in the Republic of Cala Mondrago, a morroccan/middle eastern steampunk sim owned by Miss Bianca Namori.  She had some good ideas, it was an original setting for steampunk, and was supportive of RP. I hadn't been inworld much lately due to a new job, that seems to enjoy springing an insane schedual on me, but that's a different topic, I've managed to onl really logg on once or twice this past week to pay tier, I had received a notice from the Cala Mondrago group that due to financial issues and the fact she wasn't really getting enough rentals, that she had been looking to downgrade it to a homestead sim.  I was willing to cut my prims to help, as were many other residents there, Tod I logged on to a notice that it was reclaimed by the real estate group.  TPing there, it's just an empty sandy sim now.  It's a sad thing when a good idea is killed flat (and I'm sure some of the naysayer's in Babbage will point to the RP friendly nature of it for it's demise, wether it's the case or not) and I actually liked the sim, it's the first one I went and rented space outside of Babbage.  (I did try once to rent in Armada, my other favorite place to visit, but it seemed overly complicated at the time and involved trying to contact people I rarely saw).
It was an original setting, and Miss Namori had some good ideas, such as her breedable horse aucion house, and breedable clockwork pets, and races (wich like most events right now, I've missed out on sadly)
the rent was low, the people were friendly, and it had a fantastic middle eastern/medditerranian flavor to it.
Hopefully it will return in some form or another, eitherway, it will be missed.

if anyone was interested in pictures or info about the past sim, here you go :

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