Saturday, June 25, 2011

death of a sim and new land in babbage

So, Cala Mondrago sank, I feel bad for Miss Namori, and so let her keep the rent she tried refunding me.

I've now gone and bought another plot at babbage, and opened The Old Spears House.
Keeping with my regular deal with land, supporting RP, damage on, no flight, but it's slightly different in that I'm renting out rooms.  Already had one rented by one Miss Daxxian.
The rentals are cheap, 20L$ a week, for about 20 prims, but I'm mostly looking at the new arrivals to Babbage, help them settle a bit, my main rules, don't walk around the bar downstairs naked, and respect that there might be RP going on.

It's possibly the most mundane building I've made, a rickety old ouse with pipes all over one corner, and a room with a mythos circle on the floor and a tesla coil in the center of that.

I have also moved Dr. Dino's Tardis over the house, freeing more land at the factory.
Currently I'm trying something new there on the non-RP front, and allowing a friend to rent a skybox over the factory for her cyberpunk character's IC apartment, we'll see how it goes, she plays in Insilico, I've had some bad experiences there, so if any insillicans show up on my land insulting people, it might be the one time I have ever banned anyone, but I'm letting her have her skybox there as she's helped me alot with builds in the past.

Insilico looked interesting to be honest, and I actually do like the cyberpunk genre just as much as steampunk.  I had gone into Insilico last year intending to play a character , basically heavily scarred and on portable life support, more or less the cyberpunk version of my babbage persona, and immediatly had a woman claiming to be a GM there get nasty over my skin, they don't allow zombies or fantasy creatures, but my skin was less zombie, and more scarred, I was even wearing normal eyes and replaced my heart chamber with a tony stark style arc generator, wich apparantly was still too fantasy.  alright, I can always wear my one normal skin I  guess if scars are to fantasy, except the woman was getting downright insulting, words like 'retard' and 'fag' were used by her, aong with references to furries wich I didn't for the life of me understand what they had to do with anything.   I got pissed, started pointing out everything that made their 'hard science sim' as stupidly un-scientific as possible, and left, never to return for a year.

hence why I'm being careful, I already told ann under no circumstances was she to invite that woman.

I have started to slowely venture back, on my Dr. Dinosaur alt, after a conversaton with An, the woman apparantly is a GM, but a loud obnoxious one everyone either avoids or ignores, and much their 'anti-fantasy' guidelines are RP'd around by her and others.
So, as a time travelling Raptor/timelord hybrid.  Dr. D now can go to the future city of Insilico, with a holographic disguise to look human, and the Time Egg hidden.

seriously they can't hold it against him if his profile just claims he's a time travelling raptor afterall.

Not that I've done much with that end of RP, or any lately really.
After receiving notification that the budget at my museum job had not been approved, I had to get another job, sadly in retail, in the most half-assed company ever created.  As a result of their insane way of schedualing, it's cut into alot of my SL time, so I haven't had much chance to work out the warbot fights, or kick off any rp plots sadly.
This is only temporary however, as I intend on getting control of my schedual back, or a better job.

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