Monday, September 5, 2011

let go of old spear house, barely been in SL at all this summer

So I had started a new job beginning of the summer, wich cut severely into my SL time, as in obliterating it completely.

As a result, alot of plans for RP I wanted to do, never got done, and aside from 1 tenant, never had too much interested in renting a room at the old spears house (considering it was another location for RP as well as cheap rentals, and given the bi-polar attitudes, it was iffy)  I finally had logged on after 2 weeks gone, to find it was 10 days overdue on tier.

So, since I hate buildings just quietly dissappearing in the city (kills the immersion for me) I dd my usual, blew it up.

THings are slowly calming down (through being unemployed now) but I'm waiting to start anything off, since another babbage RP is hitting off soon,  (and I feel like a jerk having one of my own monsters running around while one of the babbage mysteries are going), likely will be somewhat involved wit zomie week provided nothing comes up though

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