Sunday, April 8, 2012

alot in RL has happened

Hadn't actually been in New Babbage much for about half a year, or in SL at all really.  RL has seen fit to give me a constant sucession of setbacks, first Irene last year caused my basement to flood, causing the destruction of the majority of items for my ebay store, a few hundred dollars in art supplies 3/4ths my comic book collection that went back to my dad's time,  paypal killing my RL businesses (finishing off my ebay business for Irene in the process) leaving me penniless for at least 2 months.  I then lost my home to disaster, hospital time as a result, my laptop that wasn't destroyed in one of the 2 disasters, finally died on me when the power slot died. intense stress, frustration, and depression, a  forced  last moment move when I could ill afford to, and for the first time in five years, I've had to go back to retail hell, not one, but 2 retail hells, causing most of my time to be devoured by ranting idiots.
I have gotten a laptop that *sort* or works, though it handles SL like a pregnant yak in heat handles moving, and for january into mid-february refused to go online at all.  and currently renting out a basement apartment that is a far cry from the home I once had.

I am doing better though, slowely working on getting myself back to where I was before everything happened.  I've been sending out resumes, applying for real, non-retail-jobs, going to portfolio reviews for the sudden mass of graphic design jobs in the area i'm suddenly seeing advertised, and so on.

So, obviously, SL hadn't been much of a priority through all this.  I've logged on occasionally since gettingthe computer to recognize internet again, mostly for rare appearance of dr. dinosaur at parties.  I had not participated in Loki's RP last year, as it came about in the middle of everything, have not built anything for oiler's festival, and have not really worked on any new RP's to kick off on my own.
Footman Automotons had been returned as I knew it would be, I did write a blog in the BAR to explain where it went (usually if I know I won't be keeping land anymore, I blow my building up or otherwise RP why it is now an empty lot, the one thing that kills immersion in babbage is how cities disappear overnight with no word, leaving behind a perfectly cobbled vacant lot), but that's about it.   Until I can improve my work situation, wich my goal is end of summer to have a real job and be back to where I was, I'm not sure when I'll be renting land again, and have learned it's much easier to support and run an RP plot if you have land (if for no other reason than to have a place to barricade out the anti-rp faction).  I am slowly getting back into building, and considering meshes, though the hoops i hear you have to go through is daunting, and I'm unsure if I have time right now, Otherwise I do have some future RP plots floating around that I hope to be at a point to kick them off by the time RFL ends (another reason I've largely been absent, though last year they weren't forcing RFL on you as much)

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