Wednesday, August 18, 2010

random thoughts, plans, ideas, status

After finally ending the SLenderman RP with much thanks to those involved, I've kind of been off-world alot the past few weeks.  RL has been busy, with it being summer and all, a majority of my evenings, friends in the real world have been dragging me along to assorted activities, and with the fact summer's winding down and that usually signifies business slacking off for me on the graphic art side of things (I can never figure out why most my jobs end up being in the summer) I'm going to be looking for a 'regular' job to get me through the fall winter, and spring until things pic up again.
Partially why I was with Miss Hermit in wanting to conclude it soon and slightly annoyed when Pocket went and gave himself a coma at first, though now it looks more like it was to kick off his own RP with Tenk and Molly, wich I don't mind as much.
Gizzy's back, sort of, I guess her connection's touch and go at her new place, I've only been able to atch her in-world twice though, once for the RP involving her new doll skin, (personally I liked the more automoton look myself, but that's just me), and during the clockhaven beach party. 
I've opend the Ordo Aspconditus group for anyone to join now, and finally got the logo from Langain, who's also returned to Babbage, tough in a semi-state, so in a way, the core Ordos are all back (aside from Arwen, who hasn't logged in months).  the OA's basically become what the late Sparrowwood was supposed to be (though I just have a plant and cemetary, and not a whole neighborhood.......yet...)

In other news, I've let my half assed attempt at an in-world shop sail away, my lack of time to be in-world, I logged on to a message the boat slip was in arrears, and, after sitting in my deck mulling it over, decided to pack it in and go back to primarily Xstreet sales. (when Xstreet works), as 500L a week, along with the 1000L for my plot in Babbage, Antarctic Imports really wasn't doing enough to support itself, I mostly blame the fact I have absolutely no idea how to do a store in-world, and made the boat look more like just one of the places people rezz just to add flavor. I did kind of make it a more IC type of place, and aside from the pictures of items on the sides of crates, it really didn't look much like a store.  had more freebees in there than anything else anyway.
I might, if a cheap store rental opens up, attempt it again, but my goal primarily is not to spend any RL money in SL to be honest, though depending how things go this year, I might bite the bullet and switch to a premium account (hey, I get a free house afterall, that likely would see little use)

Once I can get myself in-world more often again, I do have some plans I'd like to do in the near or far future, such as more land (actually would like to someday have an undersea lab, and let my power plant just be a power plant) maybe some day own a hotel myself with very cheap rentals (i had ideas for a haunted house themed hotel, with wandering ghosts, cobwebs and secret chambers)
maybe some day when I have the money, get my own sim and build the Harbor Landing Colony, Antarctic steampunk.  I have plans and ideas, I just lack the financing yet

my idea for an RP about my experiments using the more magic based creatures still on hold as I don't really get what the status on those in Babbage are since the large drama and butthurt over it way back when.  There's aparantly still some supernatural/mythological creatures in the case of Pip and the other short, non-urchin types, but really nothing that would make as much sense to hook into a battery, or that would be that obvious, I would have to kidnap one from Steelhead or Winterfell. plus any other mythological creature I've tried to catch, end up being hired as lab assistants instead (like Miss Darkfold, who I don't think really is in Babbage anymore anyway)

and of course I gave out so many steampunk proton packs during the SLenderman RP, just shows I really don't have what it takes to be a shopkeeper f I'm giving away wares

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