Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Why I hate avatar flying

This came from a conversation with Miss Gizzy, and the title's a little misleading, while I love flying aircraft around, and have a large collection of blimps, zepplins, airships, fighterplanes, spacecraft, etc. It's the flight feature for my avi I honestly don't like, not because of any IC, RP, it takes me out of the world stuff like some people say (though it does a little, and the flight animations look so stupid, especially those people that insist on flying 1 meter above the ground). it's more because I apparantly can't fly worth crap, I have a very hard time controlling flight, usually overshoot where I want to go, fly into buildings, people, get stuck rocketing into the sky, slam into the ground, or lagg hits and I do the always fun 5,000 mile flyby in a perfectly straight line right off the sim. So that's why, if i'm not in some sort of vehicle, I usually choose to walk instead, sure if it's a little laggy, i might still walk into a wall, or fall into the canals, but at least I have ground to stop me. I'll bite the bullet and hit the fly button if I'm with a group of people who all decide to fly to another location, but can't garantee I'll get there right when everyone else does, or even manage to land in the right spot.
For the most part, I don't think too many others have this problem, aside from laggy moments, so for once it's not something I'm going to blame Lindens for, just my own inability to be like superman in a digitized setting.

now if avatar flight controlled more like an airship, then I'd be in business

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