Tuesday, August 10, 2010

a rant: why I stay far away from relay for life

a rant: why I stay far away from relay for life

I've been in the steamlands of SL for roughly about 2 years now. a common event that all the steamland sims do every year is the SL relay for life, raising mone for cancer research. It's not a bad cause, and I'm all for it, I've had relatives with cancer over the years, and I've donated money to other cancer charities, RFL however, I can't stand. The builds are impressive and creative yes, they're great to wander through. it's the obsessiveness. Last year was my first time hearing about it, people talkng about nothing but their 'laps' apparantly walking around a sim, a nice looking sim, but it's not a lap, a lap is when you step away from the computer RL and do it, there's marathon runs, bike rides, even walks that also help a cause. Making an avi run around a sim...not really. then the 'teams', wich i never really understood tbh.
but the biggest turn offs for me last year were the fact that A. it was the only thing at all anyone would talk about, in any SL steampunk community. and B. it was everywhere's, if you simply weren't interested, too bad, because you were going to hear about it reguardless, and for all the tirades I've heard from some people abut 'forcing RP on others', this felt alot like RFL was forced on me.
I know I sound like a huge ass saying all this, I'm not against raising money for cancer, as I said, I've donated to cancer research plenty times in the past. but RFL just annoyed me, when the Babbage NING started making posts about RFL, I just rolled my eyes.

Fortunatly so far, it hasn't been as bad. they've been much more relaxed with it, the ning hasn't been flooded with RFL posts t the point any other topic is buried.
haven't felt like it's been as in your face, and it's even allowed some RP still going on around it.
So we'll see how it goes this year, but the first person to ask me about my 'laps' gets a lightning gun blast to the head.

So that's been my rant, feel free to ignore, but it's my blog, so bleh

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